About us

GERMAN STUDENT INSURANCE is is a service provided by DR-WALTER in cooperation with Techniker Krankenkasse. In this section, you will find general information about our company.


DR-WALTER aims at making it as easy as possible for students and other foreign visitors to come to Germany and fulfill the necessary prerequisites. One of the prerequisites for a stay in Germany is obtaining a visa which again is subject to several conditions. One of these conditions is that foreign visitors have to prove that they have health insurance during their stay in Germany.

The German regulations concerning health insurance for students from abroad are complex. We from DR-WALTER want to make the process of finding the right insurance solution as simple as possible for our foreign visitors.


TÜV    Study Star Award Logo 60 years DR-WALTER

DR-WALTER is the leading expert in insuring private and business travel as well as stays abroad. In 2019, the company celebrates its 60th anniversary. DR-WALTER cooperates with a wide range of insurance companies and, as an insurance broker, is obliged to provide impartial and objective counselling and advice. In addition to its own insurance solutions, DR-WALTER also runs a number of portals on insuring international mobility.

At our headquarters in Neunkirchen-Seelscheid, Germany, we carry out all contract management as well as claims and payment handling. This ensures a quick and straightforward processing of your claims and requests. For more information about DR-WALTER and your contact partners, go to www.dr-walter.com.

Learn more about DR-WALTER

Do you require advice?
If you have any questions,
feel free to contact us:

Phone +49 2247 9194-996


Mon-Fri: 8 am to 6 pm